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Turn Csv File Into Xml Viewer

  1. Turn Csv File Into Xml Viewer Download

Tags: extract convert upload import suunto dive manager old dives sde cvs xml zip howtoThis is how I did it:0. First and foremost: Backup the dives you did logged with you divecomputer using SDM's backup functionmenu:ActionBackup databaseCopy the resulting.bak file to a safe place and learn how to restore before you go to the stuff belowmenu:ActionRestore database1a. Export one dive with a lot of filled out fields from SDM.

This will result in a.SDE file.menu:FileExport.b. Rename that file changing the extension from SDE to ZIP.c. Open the resulting file with WinZip or similar tool.d. You'll now see a XML file which you can open with any text-editor such as Notepad.e. You'll get something like:SDM001A1.0020212. EgyptNaama Bay0.2a. On each line after the header you'll see two so called XML-tags with a value in between sometimes.

Notice the difference between before and after tags!! Figure out which tags you need by comparing with what's in SDM.b.

Have your old dives available in Excel format (back it up!!) and flank each column with two new ones containing the appropriate tagsSo.Egypt Naama Bay.Egypt Naama Bay.Egypt Naama Bay.Will become.Egypt Naama Bay.Egypt Naama Bay.Egypt Naama Bay.c. Just be sure to include the following tags format MM-DD-YYYY!!!!14:30:005EgyptNaama Bay10 Yes that's your divetime in seconds!and do NOT use212. (because it probably messes up the order in the resulting merger of old and new dives)d. Add this as your first column:SDM001A1and your laste.

Save the newly created Excel-file with a different name.f. Create a folder folder such as 'OldDives'3a. Now copy/paste one row(representing one dive) into a text editor.(b.) You do NOT need to take the following steps to achieve the format you had in the exported XML fileI. Maintain tag orderII. Remove spaces/tabs between tags and valuesIII. Wrap to verticalc.


Save as.XML into newly created folder ('OldDives')(Yes you have to repeat this for each dive. Putting more than one into an XML-file will result in just one dive being imported. Believe me I tried.)d. Repeat steps a. For each row in your Excel-sheet.4a. You now have folder 'OldDives' containing a bunch of XML files w/ names indicating the dive they contain.Example:001.XML002.XML.012.XML013.XML014.XML.b. Zip all XML-files into an archive called OldDives.zip (be sure not to have anything else in the created archive).c.

Rename OldDives.zip to OldDives.SDEd. Import OldDives.SDE with SDMFileImport.And there you have 'em.

Check to see all dives and all fields got imported and that your have them in the correct order.If not then see where the problem lies and try again from step 1. After you restore SDM as you learned in step 0. (or didn't you.?). ScubaBoard.comScubaBoard.com is the world's largest scuba diving online community.

May 20, 2016 How To Parse and Convert XML to CSV using Python byis an acronym standing for Extensible Markup Language. XML is extremely useful for keeping track of small to medium amounts of data without requiring a SQL-based backbone.XML is an inherently hierarchical data format, and the most natural way to represent it is with a tree. ET has two classes for this purpose – represents the whole XML document as a tree, and Element represents a single node in this tree. Interactions with the whole document (reading and writing to/from files) are usually done on the ElementTree level. Interactions with a single XML element and its sub-elements are done on the Element level.As the data in XML format is not readable by general users, we may require to change it to some user friendly format like. Since, CSV files can easily be opened using LibreOffice Calc in Ubuntu or Microsoft Excel in Windows, the need for XML to CSV conversion is high.Now let us take an example of parsing dummy resident data of a state in XML format and convert it to CSV. The XML data(residentdata.xml) for the state will look like, Sample Namesamplename@example.comStreet Line1City NameAE12345Sample Name1samplename1@example.comCurrent AddressLos AngelesCA56666.CSV (Comma Separated Values) format is the most common import and export format for spreadsheets and databases.

Turn Csv File Into Xml Viewer Download

CSV file format separates values using commas as delimiters.